On-Demand Uniform Program for Signature HealthCare Protects Employees While Eliminating Inventory Risk
We worked with image consultants at St. Mark's Hospital to coordinate the colors and styles worn by their employees network-wide.
Northwell Health leverages our solution to provide direct-access to PPE for their employees.
Eisenhower Medical is taking advantage of our turn-key platform to manage their Employee Uniforms.
Children's Mercy benefits from our services to make the most out of their fundraising and brand management.
The Largest Healthcare Network in Oklahoma uses our platform for everything from uniforms to fundraisers to supporting their OKC Thunder market campaign.
Spitzer Automotive Group uses Allcustomwear to manage its Imagewear Program for employees at their 17 dealerships.
Deaconess Hospital in Oklahoma City is using our merchandising solutions to generate funding for their many causes.
We were chosen to implement a Uniform Standardization Program at CCMH.
We were awarded an exclusive contract with University of Iowa Health to manage the uniforms worn by their employees network-wide.
Employee Uniform & Merchandise Solutions
We excel at Employee Uniform Programs for companies with a large, distributed network of employees, strict branded uniform requirements, and who are tired of inventory risk or lack of flexibility in their uniform guidelines.